On Saturday we had an indoor car boot table top sale, where we sold a lot of our smaller bits and pieces. We also gave out a leaflet advertising our furniture. One lady came and bought a small table and two chairs.
On Monday we had a man come to see the furniture, and he paid us there and then and took away all except the office furniture. We hurriedly emptied the cupboards and drawers leaving piles of items on the floor which needed to be put in boxes.
We now have no dining table, and we have guests this evening and again next Monday. We will use a white plastic table instead, with folding white plastic chairs. At least it all matches!
On Tuesday James laid some matting in the stern on Gabriel. This was the starting point, recently painted:
Then the jigsaw puzzle began:
Finally it was complete.
Jaguar matting from mats4u
I still need to do the bow well, which takes three times as many mat tiles