Thursday, 7 March 2019

Five months in Aylesbury

Our five months in Aylesbury are about to come to an end at the end of March when we set off on the canals once more. I haven’t kept the blog going during this time as it is predominantly a boating blog, and our boat has not moved.

Our mooring
This has been our fifth winter in Circus Field Basin in Aylesbury, plugged into electric, and moored stern on to a proper firm edge, tied onto rings. We have shops and a bus route nearby, and somewhere to park our car. We can have coal and gas delivered, and we have access to water without moving. We have other facilities such as rubbish bins and a sanitary station. We also have a laundry and a licensed bar. We have some good friends here and we get together every Friday in the bar and discuss important things like next years cruising routes, and boat toilets.

The alternative is staying out on the canals, moving at least every two weeks, moored on potentially muddy towpaths, with no facilities to hand.

Our Church
We are part of Broughton Church, a group of about 80 people who meet in the function room of the canal basin. It is an Anglican Church, but not as you might expect. There are no robes, choirs, prayer books or other trappings. We have a talk from one of several good preachers, plus coffee before and after the service. There is a worship band most Sundays, playing up to date worship songs. We are both part of the worship team.  We are part of a life group, meeting on Thursdays, and Hazel is part of the Tuesday team serving in More+, our café.

We have had a mostly mild winter, with a few cold days, some snow, and the basin froze on some occasions. People ask, “Is it cold on a boat in winter?”. If we keep the fire going it is fine. If we have to leave the boat for a few days, it takes several hours to warm it up again. In February we had record high temperatures.

Gabriel in icy conditions

Breaking ice

Out and about with Jack and Sandra from our church

Snowy views from the Chilterns

We had a sad time when Hugo became ill, and in December he was getting thinner and thinner. He stopped eating and sat in a corner all day, so we thought it was time for a one way visit to the vet. It was the end of an era, after many adventures with us on the canals. He was a well-travelled cat, and a great character, and we miss him.

A moment with Hugo


We had a “switch-on” day for Christmas illuminations on the boats, and this encouraged boaters to make an effort with their boats. The result was an excellent display.

Gabriel illuminated

Looking round from the balcony

We had a very enjoyable few days with Maggie and Clive in Suffolk and were joined there by most of our family.
Hazel, Maggie and Clive

Car for Oliver
We realised that Oliver needed a car to get to work and were dreading the hunt round car showrooms for something suitable. We prayed that we would be led to the right car, ideally white, economical, a low insurance band, and yet with enough power to keep Oliver happy.  A day or two later, in the bar, we learned that boating friends Tim and Hilary were selling a car. It is a Ford Focus ecoboost, less than 1000cc, only £30 car tax, quite nippy, and white. One owner from new. It is now Oliver’s. Thank you for answered prayer.

Folk scene
We haven’t been singing in the clubs so much, although we have visited the fortnightly session at the Cock Inn at Wing most times, and the monthly singaround at the Half Moon in Wilstone. We haven’t visited Chesham Folk Club at all since we came back in November. This is partly because we have been leading the worship in our church more often than in the past and we can only do so much. We are getting older!  We have also had prolonged colds which kept us away on two occasions. However, we are booked to perform at the Rickmansworth Festival on 18th May, on the stage by Batchworth Lock.

Boating plans
Our plans for the coming year are coming together. Heading south to the River Wey to renew friendships first. Then a tidal voyage to Limehouse to visit for the first time the waterways in the Olympic Park, followed by Little Venice Cavalcade in early May. Then the Ricky Festival in mid May.  We then revisit the Fens including Northampton, Peterborough, Ely and Bedford. We plan to cruise the tidal New Bedford River, a new experience for us.  We hope to visit New Wine near Peterborough in August, where many of our friends from church will be.  We then hope to cross the Wash to Boston, another first for us. The Chesterfield Canal will follow, hoping to get beyond Worksop this time. Our return will take us through Newark, Nottingham and Leicester and back to Aylesbury.
An occasional visitor

The next blog will probably be in early April after we set off for Marsworth, Berkhamsted and the journey south.